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The Oschi is a pound nose, thick, round and full-bellied. It convinces with its size and presence. It originates centrally on the bridge of the nose and rolls from there nicely shaped and spherical over the entire nose. The front of the nose is a little flattened, so that the spherical shape is interrupted. it thus appears lighter and more playful.  Even though it looks weighty so it is light as a feather! 

This nose is suitable for a classic red clown or August, a clown who likes to make "fisimatenten", warm-hearted and clumsy.

Word usage:A Oschi is, according to the Duden's definition, "something that impresses by its size". It is a titling for something particularly large with a lot of weight and girth. Most often, this term is used to title bulky things and objects to give you a certain honor and attention.

No wonder this ClownNose already held its name when you made it. 

Size indication

.It fits women and men with a medium to large nose width.

Internal dimension:

approx. 3.9 cm

External dimension:

approx. 4.4 cm

Nose length:

approx. 3.6 cm


Note from the artist


This ClownNose fits even me perfectly and although I have a very small, narrow nose. It is wonderfully soft and comfortable to wear. 

Gift of the nose workshop

.Each nose comes to you in an exclusive gift box in the form of a round tin. It serves for storage and at the same time as protection of your ClownNose.

In addition, you get from us still a small bottle of silicone care oil to maintain your character nose. 

Each red nose is unique!

Our character noses are made by hand

Each shape is unique and designed and developed by the artist Anne Schwede herself. Either cast or dipped, depending on the type of nose and size.

You will receive with the purchase for each nose its own certificate with date of manufacture and number of manufacture.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 16 reviews

Na, passt super.
Verrutscht nicht und man bekommt gut Luft.

Stefanie N.
Sehr schön

Die Nase sieht richtig prima aus, ist sehr gut verarbeitet und sitzt erstaunlich fest auf der eigenen Nase, ohne das es stört, hässliche Abdrücke macht oder man nicht richtig Luft kriegt. Bin sehr zufrieden!

Ariane Biesinger

Tolle Beratung! Habe dadurch schnell die richtige für mich gefunden!

Oliver Vögtlin

Sind super die Nasen

Paolo Guarino

la consegna è stata più rapida del previsto
Oschi calza perfettamente